江西财经大学学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (03): 464-.

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  1. (1. 西南财经大学 工商管理学院博士后流动站,四川 成都 610074;2. 四川大学 马克思主义学院,四川 成都 610064)
  • 发布日期:2021-01-21
  • 作者简介:许明强,西南财经大学副教授,博士后,主要从事产业经济学研究,联系方式9331056@qq.com;蒋永穆,四川大学教授,博士生导师,主要从事社会主义经济理论、三农问题研究。

On Urgent Change of the Idea of Large-Scale Arable Land Transferring to Enterprise

XU Ming-qiang1, JIANG Yong-mu2   

  1. (1. Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu 610074; 2. Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

摘要: 出于塑造现代农业形象工程等目的,有的地方政府积极推动耕地向企业大规模流转。但是,农业企业有两个固有弱点——监督激励的困难性、农业的弱质性,这使农业企业难以形成大规模农业生产能力。面向企业大规模流转耕地具有多方面严重弊端,耕地流转应该主要面向规模经营农户而不是工商企业。国内外经验和案例研究也印证了这个命题。当前需转变这种耕地流转思路,对工商企业流转耕地加强监管和风险防范,取消面向企业的耕地大规模流转优惠政策。

关键词: 地方政府,优惠政策,农企弱点,委托代理,家庭农场

Abstract: Out of the purpose of molding image projects of modern agriculture, some local governments are actively promoting large scale transfer of arable land to enterprises. However, the agricultural enterprises have two inherent weaknesses: the difficulty in supervision and stimulation and the weak quality of agriculture, which render the agricultural enterprises difficult to form large scale agricultural production capability. There are many malpractices in large scale transfer of arable land to enterprises; therefore, transfer of arable land should be mainly turned to farmers with scale operation rather than the industrial and commercial enterprises. The experiences at home and abroad and many case studies have also proved it. At present, it is necessary to change this idea of transferring arable land to enterprises, the supervision of transferring arable land to industrial and commercial enterprises should be strengthened and the risks should be prevented, and the policy favoring the large scale transfer of arable land to enterprises should be abandoned.

Key words: local government; preferential policy; weakness of agriculture enterprise; principal-agent; family farm