江西财经大学学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (03): 458-.

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  1. (河海大学 法学院,江苏 南京 210098)
  • 发布日期:2021-01-21
  • 作者简介:龚鹏程,河海大学副教授,法学博士,主要从事金融法、证券法研究;臧公庆,河海大学助理研究员,法学硕士,主要从事互联网金融法律规制研究,联系方式zgq.746@163.com。

A Review of the Regulatory Legislation for Internet Finance of Payment and Clearing Type: With “The PBOC’s Draft of Regulations on E-Payment”as the Clue

GONG Peng-cheng, ZANG Gong-qing   

  1. (Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

摘要: 现代化的支付清算体系以央行NPC系统为核心,支付清算型互联网金融的繁荣发展引发大量社会资金脱离央行“视线”,对既有支付清算体系的实效性构成了极大的挑战。为了把控风险,央行发布“网络支付管理征求意见稿”,旨在通过限制个人账户转账和消费额度从源头上压缩沉淀资金的规模。第三方支付是支付清算型互联网金融的经典模式,以此为例,支付平台法律定位尚需廓清,而不同利益维度下参与主体间法律关系也为沉淀资金的法律权属提供了多元解释的空间。基于“限额”举措的成因分析,可发现制度设计背后隐藏着激烈的利益博弈,并通过“意见稿”重点条文的评介以探寻权利义务划分的理性选择。

关键词: 互联网金融,第三方支付,风险控制,金融消费者,监管立法

Abstract: The modern payment and clearing system takes the central bank NPC system as its core. The prosperity and development of the Internet finance of payment and clearing type has caused large amount of social capital leaving the sight of the central bank, which constitutes great challenges towards the effectiveness of the existing payment and clearing system. In order to control the risks, the central bank has published the Draft of Regulations on E-payment for the purpose of reducing the scale of precipitation funds from the source by restricting the transfer amount of individual accounts and the consumer spending. The third-party payment is the classical pattern of Internet finance of the payment and clearing type, taking this pattern as an example, the legal status of the payment platform has to be clarified, while the legal relationship between the main participants from the perspective of different interests has provided enough room for multiple explaining of the legal ownership of the precipitation funds. On the basis of the cause analysis of the limiting measure, it can be found that fierce interest game is under cover behind the system design. Through the comments on the key provisions listed on the Draft, this paper tries to explore the rational choice of the division between rights and obligations.

Key words: the Internet finance; third-party payment; risk control; financial consumer; regulatory legislation