江西财经大学学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (02): 581-.

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  1. (中国科学院 理论物理研究所,北京 100864)
  • 发布日期:2021-01-21
  • 作者简介:何祚庥,中国科学院院士,研究员,主要从事理论物理及政治经济学研究。

Scientific and Technological Progress Must Be Introduced into Quantitative Researches of Marxist Political Economics

HE Zuo-xiu   

  1. (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100864, China )
  • Published:2021-01-21

摘要: 如何将科技进步引入马克思主义政治经济学的定量研究?基本思想是,除仍需对劳动如何创造价值以及价值如何分配作深入的定量研究外,还必须开拓新领域,对使用价值的生产、流通、交换、分配以及消费等问题作深入的定量研究。在《资本论》,第1卷—第3卷,马克思曾引入不变资本C,可变资本V,剩余价值MJ等概念,导出一个“生产每一个商品的价值MJ的公式,WJ=MJ+C+M”现在建议用剩余使用价值MS,不变资本C,可变资本V,将商品的使用价值MS试行WJ=MJ+C+V的公式,而WS=N·WJ。其中N是包括自然、社会、人文等科学在内广义科技效率因子N,并由此定义一个包括科技进步在内的全劳动生产率T,并表明(T-1)即是通常经济学教科书中所探讨的全要素生产率(TFP)。

关键词: 价值,使用价值,科技效率因子,全劳动生产率,全要素生产率

Abstract: How to introduce scientific and technological progress into the quantitative researches of Marxist political economy? The basic idea is that, in addition to the further in-depth quantitative researches on how work creates value and how to allocate the value, new areas must be exploited in such issues as the production, distribution, exchange, allocation and consumption of value. In Volume 1-3 of Das Kapital, Marx introduced such concepts as constant capital C, variable capital V, surplus value M■, then a formula of “production of the value of each commodity M■ is derived, W■=M■+C+M”. Now it is recommended to use the surplus use value M■, constant capital C, variable capital V, and the use value of goods M■ in the trial formula W■=M■+C+V, while W■=N·W■. In the formula, N is the generalized scientific and technological efficiency factor N, including the natural, social and humanity sciences. Thus a total labor productivity T can be defined, including scientific and technological progress. Then it can be seen that (T-1) is the total factor productivity (TFP), which is usually discussed in the textbooks of economics.

Key words: value; use value; scientific and technological efficiency factor; total labor productivity; TFP