Contemporary Finance & Economics ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (7): 3-16.

• Theoretical Economics •     Next Articles

The Formation Logic, New Qualitative Characteristics, and Theoretical Elements of New Productive Forces

XUE Qin-yuan1, SHI Dan2,3, SHI Ke-han2   

  1. 1. Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing 100070;
    2. Institute of Industrial Economics of CASS, Beijing 100006;
    3. Zhejiang Research Institute of ZUFE-UCASS, Hangzhou 310018, China
  • Received:2024-02-28 Revised:2024-06-06 Online:2024-07-15 Published:2024-08-27

Abstract: The new quality productivity, as an innovative component of Xi Jinping’s economic thought in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, possesses rich theoretical and practical connotations. The theoretical and practical foundations of the new quality productivity stem from the understanding and practice of the laws of productivity development by the Communist Party of China. It is a new productivity theory proposed by the Chinese Communists represented by Xi Jinping based on Marx’s productivity theory, which summarizes the practical experience of the development of productivity in China and guides the high-quality development of the economy under the new development pattern. The“new quality”characteristics are manifested in the productivity development process, where the technological innovation and application are the core elements and main paths. A significant increase in total factor productivity is the central indicator, the“high quality”is the key requirement, the green development is an inherent attribute, and the coordinated development and security are the foundational guarantees. The core components of the new quality productivity include the new quality laborers that are primarily composed of innovators and creators, the new quality means of labor that primarily consist of intelligent tools, and the new quality labor objects that possess more advanced resource forms. To construct the new production relations to adapt to the development of the new quality productivity focuses should lay emphasis on several key areas. In terms of laws and regulations, it involves creating a fairer, more open, and more competitive environment for productivity development. At the level of the scientific and technological system, it requires constructing a more open, flexible, and efficient innovation system. Regarding the economic system, it is necessary to improve the market mechanisms to promote the smooth flow of advanced and high-quality production factors. In the areas of talent and social security, it emphasizes facilitating a virtuous cycle of education, talent, and social security.

Key words: new productive forces, new production relations, total factor productivity, high-quality development

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