Contemporary Finance & Economics ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (07): 1831-.

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A Study of the Rural Residents’ Willingness to Participate in Public Goods Supply in the Context of Rural Revitalization: On the Role of Disaster Experience, Self-Efficacy and Value Orientation

ZHOU Chun-xiao, YAN Feng-xian   

  • Received:2018-10-29 Published:2021-01-21

Abstract: Rural revitalization is a major strategy to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. This paper tries to analyze the factors affecting the willingness of rural residents to participate in the supply of public goods for disaster reduction and the mechanism of action, this will be reduction and promote the smooth implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization. Based on this,?this paper constructs a moderating intermediary effect model to analyze the questionnaire survey data from 889 farmers. The results show that the disaster experience has a significant positive effect on the rural residents’ willingness to participate in disaster reduction public goods supply, that the self-efficacy can have a capture effect in the positive effect of disaster experience on the willingness to participate in disaster reduction public goods supply, and that the value orientation can play a moderating role in the positive effect of the self-efficacy of rural residents on their willingness to participate in disaster reduction public goods supply. To compare the individuals with collective value orientation to those with individualist value orientation, the impact of self-efficacy on the participation of public goods supply in disaster reduction is weaker and smoother. Therefore, in order to stimulate rural residents’ willingness to participate in the supply of disaster reduction public goods, it is necessary to pay more attention to the selection of publicity contents of disaster prevention, formulate scientific and reasonable principles for the participation, and pay close attention to the correct guidance of rural residents’ values.

Key words: rural revitalization; rural residents; supply of public goods for responding to disaster; participation willingness; disaster experience