当代财经 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (12): 83-97.

• 企业管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


胡刘芬, 周泽将   

  1. 安徽大学 商学院,安徽 合肥 230601
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-28 出版日期:2024-12-15 发布日期:2024-12-26
  • 通讯作者: 周泽将,安徽大学教授,管理学博士,主要从事资本市场会计与财务问题研究,联系方式ahuzzj@126.com。
  • 作者简介:胡刘芬,安徽大学副教授,管理学博士,主要从事财务与会计研究。
  • 基金资助:
    国家社会科学基金青年项目“ESG对企业高质量发展的影响机制与政策优化研究”(22CGL009); 国家自然科学基金面上项目“组织权威、经济独立性与监事会治理研究:理论框架与实证检验”(72172001)

Research on Corporate Leverage Manipulation Decision in the Context of Macroeconomic Policy Uncertainty

HU Liu-fen, ZHOU Ze-jiang   

  1. Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China
  • Received:2024-06-28 Online:2024-12-15 Published:2024-12-26

摘要: 结合中国宏观经济政策不确定的制度背景对企业杠杆操纵决策的具体表现、内在逻辑以及经济后果等问题进行研究,不仅有助于深化对中国特殊制度环境下企业杠杆操纵决策的认识,而且能为积极应对经济政策不确定性风险和化解企业杠杆操纵问题提供理论借鉴与经验参考。利用2008—2022年中国A股上市公司的数据进行实证检验,结果表明经济政策不确定性对企业杠杆操纵具有显著的负向影响,当经济政策频繁变更时,企业为了应对波动的外部环境会降低杠杆操纵程度进而释放债务风险;企业内部控制越完善、所处的外部信息环境越好或地区市场化水平越高时,经济政策不确定性对杠杆操纵的负向影响越明显;缓冲经济政策波动带来的信息不对称和未来现金流短缺风险构成了经济政策不确定时期企业降低杠杆操纵程度的主要动机;不确定的外部环境下企业减少杠杆操纵不仅帮助其获得了更多的外部融资,而且降低了未来发生破产的概率。上述结论表明,严格控制杠杆操纵行为不仅是企业积极应对经济政策不确定性的重要策略,还是不确定背景下企业获得利益相关方支持,实现可持续稳健发展的关键措施。

关键词: 经济政策不确定性, 杠杆操纵, 风险隐藏, 风险释放

Abstract: Studying the specific manifestations, internal logic, and economic consequences of corporate leverage manipulation decisions in the context of China’s uncertain macroeconomic policies not only helps deepen our understanding of corporate leverage manipulation decisions in China’s special institutional environment, but also provides theoretical and experiential references for how to actively respond to economic policy uncertainty risks and resolve corporate leverage manipulation issues. This paper conducts an empirical study using the data of A-share listed companies in China between 2008 and 2022, the results indicate that economic policy uncertainty has a significant negative impact on corporate leverage manipulation. When economic policies change frequently, companies will reduce the degree of leverage manipulation and release debt risks in response to fluctuating external environments. The more complete the internal control, the better the external information environment, or the higher the level of regional marketization, the more significant the negative impact of economic policy uncertainty on leverage manipulation. The information asymmetry and future cash flow shortage risks caused by buffering economic policy fluctuations constitute the main motivation for enterprises to reduce their leverage manipulation during periods of economic policy uncertainty. Reducing leverage manipulation in an uncertain external environment not only helps companies obtain more external financing, but also reduces the probability of bankruptcy in the future. The above conclusion indicates that strict control of leverage manipulation behavior is not only an important strategy for enterprises to actively respond to economic policy uncertainty, but also a key measure for enterprises to obtain stakeholder support and achieve sustainable and stable development under uncertain backgrounds.

Key words: economic policy uncertainty, leverage manipulation, risk concealment, risk release
