当代财经 ›› 2014, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (08): 1719-.

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  1. (江西财经大学 国际经贸学院,江西 南昌 330013)
  • 收稿日期:2014-01-10 发布日期:2021-01-21
  • 作者简介:涂远芬,江西财经大学副教授,经济学博士,主要从事国际贸易理论与政策研究,联系方式jxnctyf@126.com。

A Study of Self-Selection Effect and Export-Learning Effect of Chinese Enterprises: A Comparative Analysis Based on the Levels of Manufacturing and Service Enterprises

TU Yuan-fen   

  1. (Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330013, China)
  • Received:2014-01-10 Published:2021-01-21

摘要: 利用世界银行对中国企业的调查数据,考察了中国服务业企业出口与生产率之间的作用机理,并与中国制造业企业进行了比较分析。研究表明,具备较高生产率的服务业企业会主动选择出口市场(自我选择效应),进入出口市场后又将进一步促进企业生产率的提高(出口学习效应);而中国制造业企业未出现自我选择效应,仅发现了出口学习效应。这一结论为中国“进一步扩大服务业开放”提供了实证依据。

关键词: 出口,自我选择效应,出口学习效应,生产率

Abstract: By making use of the World Bank survey data on Chinese enterprises, this paper tries to investigate the functional mechanism between export and productivity of China’s enterprises in the service industry, and makes a comparative analysis of them with the enterprises in the manufacturing industry. The results indicate that the enterprises in the service industry with higher productivity will take the initiative to select export markets (self-selection effect), after entering the export market, they will further promote their business productivity (export-learning effect). However, no self-selection effect can be found on Chinese manufacturing enterprises, only export-learning effect is found. The conclusions of this paper can provide an empirical foundation for China’s further expansion of opening its service industry.

Key words: export; self-selection effect; export-learning effect; productivity