当代财经 ›› 2012, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (05): 1511-.

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  1. (中国人民大学 经济学院,北京 100872)
  • 收稿日期:2012-05-29 发布日期:2021-01-21
  • 作者简介:卫兴华,中国人民大学教授,中国著名经济学家,主要从事理论经济学研究。

What Is the Essence of the Socialist Economy? On Professor Hu Jun’s Essentialism of Socialist “Labor Exchange of Equal Amount”

WEI Xing-hua   

  1. (Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)
  • Received:2012-05-29 Published:2021-01-21

摘要: 胡钧教授多年来一直坚持和宣传的按劳分配中的“等量劳动互换”是社会主义经济的本质关系,与等价交换相对立,从而排斥商品交换关系的观点,不能成立。他的这一理论观点,与马克思的观点相对立。马克思将按劳分配中的等量劳动交换称之为与商品等价交换是同一原则的“资产阶级权利”,是与“旧社会痕迹”相联系的“弊病”。这一观点也与邓小平的社会主义本质论相悖离。胡教授用社会主义“等量劳动互换”本质论,否定我国实质的商品价值关系的存在,断言马、恩关于社会主义制度下商品关系会消亡的科学真理在我国已成为现实。这不符合我国的实际情况。胡教授宣称他的这一理论观点得到党和学界的“极大重视”和认同,是“最突出的创新性见解”和“重要学术贡献”,并为邓小平的社会主义市场经济理论和我国的改革目标“提供了理论铺垫”、“做了理论上的准备”,也不符合事实。

关键词: 按劳分配,等量劳动互换,商品等价交换,社会主义本质,社会主义市场经济

Abstract: Professor Hu Jun has been upholding and claiming for many years that the “labor exchange of equal amount”in the distribution according to work is the nature of socialist economic relations, as opposed to the exchange of equal value, so as to exclude the view on commodity exchange relationship, which cannot be established. This theoretical point of view of him is against Marx’s. The labor exchange of equal amount in the distribution according to work is, according to what Marx said, the“bourgeois right”as the same principle of the commodity exchange of equal value, being one of the“defects”associated with the “traces of the old society”. This view is also mutually exclusive with Deng Xiaoping’s socialist essentialism. Professor Hu employs the essentialism of socialist“labor exchange of equal amount”to deny the real existence of the value relationship of commodity in China, asserting that the scientific truth about the demise of commodity relations under the socialist system proposed by Marx and Engels has become a reality in China. This is not consistent with China’s actual situation. Professor Hu claimed that this theoretical point of view has won a great deal of attention and recognition from both the Party and academia as“the most outstanding innovative idea”and“important academic contribution”, and has“provided theoretical groundwork”and“made theoretical preparations”for Deng Xiaoping’s socialist market economic theory and China’s reform objectives, this does not conform to the facts either.

Key words: distribution according to work; labor exchange of equal amount; commodity exchange of equal value; the nature of socialism; socialist market economy