Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics ›› 2013, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (03): 589-.


An Empirical Study of Financial Consumer Protection Legislation: with 40 Samples of Financial Consumer Protection Normative Documents

QI Meng   

  1. (Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201701, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

Abstract: The subprime mortgage crisis indicates that lack of financial consumer protection mechanism is one of the important reasons leading to the crisis. At present, the international community pays more and more attention to financial consumer protection; the relative legislation and institutional construction are being strengthened. In view of this, China’s relevant departments have conformed to the trend of financial consumer protection, a number of financial consumer protection norms have come into being. However, viewing from the four dimensions of the scope of financial consumer protection, protection agency, protection procedure and the effectiveness to inspect China’s current financial consumer protection specifications, it can be found that at present there exist a number of prominent problems in the financial consumer protection norms, such as conflicted and confused scope of protection, unclear responsibilities of the protection agencies, vague and not deep-going dispute handling procedures, and fuzzy effectiveness, etc.. As the footstone of financial development, financial consumer protection holds an extremely important position in China’s future financial development. To this end, the improvement of the financial consumer protection legislation should focus on such aspects as legislative philosophy, legislative hierarchy, legislative gaps and omissions, legislative guidance, etc..

Key words: financial consumers; People’s Bank; normative documents