Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (04): 135-.

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Promoting the Organizational Power of Village-Level Party Organizations: Theory, Reality and Realization Path

XIAO Chang-chun, ZHENG Chuan-fang   

  1. (Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

Abstract: The organizational power of village-level Party organizations refers to the ability of the village-level Party organizations relying on the village-level self organizational resources and the organizational advantages to guide and mobilize the farmers to carry out the Party’s policies and guidelines, to participate in the village collective social governance, and to promote the village collective reform and development, so as to carry out and implement the Party’s decisions and deployments. To improve the organizational power of village-level Party organizations is an inevitable requirement for upholding the Party’s overall leadership position, and it is related to the long-term stability of Chinese society and the realization of the goal of a socialist modernization power. At present, the organizational power of village-level Party organizations has such problems as insufficient comprehensive and effective coverage of Party members, insufficient capacity of the Party organizations, and insufficient play of the core role of the Party’s leadership, etc.. When vigorously improving the organizational strength of village-level grassroots Party organizations, it is necessary to avoid blurring of organizational force, prevent weakening of organizational power and inhibit the marginalization of organizational power.

Key words: village-level Party organization; organizational power; promotion path