Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (03): 85-.


Three Logical Levels of Xi Jinping’s Economic Thought

ZHANG Ding-xin, DAI Li   

  • Published:2021-01-21

Abstract: From the perspective of the forms of economic discourse,“Xi Jinping’s economic thought”belongs to the academic titles of the concept of“Xi Jinping’s socialist economic thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era”established by the Party Central Committee in the academic circle. There are three logical levels in it. Among them, the“premise level”is a critical examination and macro-prejudgment of China’s economic development achievements and the state of world economic development, indicating the practical conditions or epistemological premise that Xi Jinping’s economic thoughts are based on; the“target level”is the revelation of the purpose of China’s economic development, which solves such problems as“for whom to produce?”“what to produce?”at the level of contemporary Chinese economics and reflects the value orientation of Marxist political economics and the new level of people’s demands on products (consumer goods); and the“practical operation level”belongs to the new production methods or direct action measures at the new stage of China’s economic development, highlighting the importance of the problem of“how to produce”in contemporary Chinese economics. The analysis of Xi Jinping’s economic thoughts on the above mentioned logical levels can highlight the academic rationality of the achievements of Chinese Marxist economics.

Key words: Xi Jinping’s economic thought; logical level; new development concept; strategic measures