江西财经大学学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (02): 150-.

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  1. (华东政法大学 政治学与公共管理学院,上海 201620)
  • 发布日期:2021-01-21
  • 作者简介:李汉卿,华东政法大学讲师,博士,主要从事比较政治与基层治理研究,联系方式lihanqing@ecupl.edu.cn。

Technology Absorbing Politics: Functions and Limits of E-Government WeChat in We-Media Era——Taking“Shanghai News-Release”as an Example

LI Han-qing   

  1. (East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201620, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

摘要: 在社交领域,电子信息技术的发展催生了微博微信,引领我们进入了自媒体时代。以微信为平台的政务微信的快速成长在重构政府与公众之间联系的同时,也推动了社会治理方式的转变。“上海发布”仅仅五年就成为全国影响力名列前茅的政务微信,源于其较为完善的前台结构与后台架构。作为新兴事物,它的功能也是有限度的:市民诉求功能缺失、技术服务有待优化、跨部门跨平台协同性差等。政务微信要实现“技术吸纳政治”的功能,除却技术改进外,还需要通过政治议题的设置以优化政策过程。同时,需要国家权力向基础性权力转变,政府理念与机制向服务型政府转变以及领导者具有战略眼光、对网络舆论持有包容、开放的态度。

关键词: 技术吸纳政治,自媒体,政务微信,功能与限度,“上海发布”

Abstract: In the social domain, the development of electronic information technology has given birth to Weibo and WeChat, leading us into the era of we-media. The rapid growth of E-government WeChat based on the platform of WeChat reconstructs the relationship between government and the public, at the same time, it also promotes the transformation of social governing modes. The public account of“Shanghai News Release”has become one of the top government WeChat in China within only five years, which results from its relatively perfect front-end structure and back-end structure. As a newly sprouted thing, its function is limited: the citizen appealing function being absent, technical services to be optimized, and the cross-sector and cross-platform synergy to be improved. In order to realize the function of “technology absorbing politics”, the E-government WeChat not only has to improve the technology but also to optimize the policy making process through the setting of political agenda. Meanwhile, it is necessary to transform the state power into basic power, transform the government concepts and mechanisms into service-oriented governments; in addition, the leaders should have the strategic vision and a tolerant and open-minded attitude towards online public opinion.

Key words: technology absorbs politics; we-media; E-government WeChat; function and limit; “Shanghai News Release”