Contemporary Finance & Economics ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (9): 43-56.

• Public Economics & Administration • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on the Division of Financial Authority and Expenditure Responsibility in the Science and Technology Sector

YUE Hong-ju   

  1. Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, China
  • Received:2024-01-29 Revised:2024-04-29 Online:2024-09-15 Published:2024-09-19

Abstract: The division of financial authority and expenditure responsibility in the science and technology sector is a fundamental guarantee for the promotion of the construction of a scientific and technical power. There are four risks in the current division reform: the mechanism of“the decisions made by superiors and carried out by subordinates”has triggered the risk of“bargaining power”between upper and lower governments, the“co leading”fiscal power has led to the risk of“responsibility isomorphism”, the“ability oriented”expenditure responsibility has triggered the risk of financial matching among subordinate governments, especially grassroots governments, and the“reform championship”model of program formulation is prone to gradual reform risks. The vertical relationship between governments with clear rights and responsibilities, coordinated financial resources, and regional balance is the basic goal of the reform, but it still depends on the clarification of the horizontal technology investment relationship between the government and the market. Accelerating the construction of a strong technological country requires both the horizontal coordination between“market efficiency”and“government initiative”, and the central unified leadership and the exertion of the“two initiatives”, as well as the vertical coordination between provincial government overall regulation and local government hierarchical responsibility. Therefore, the practical approach to further optimizing and dividing the reforms is to improve the market-oriented approach to scientific and technological innovation, establish a new national system for scientific and technological innovation, and enhance the overall efficiency of the national innovation system; clarify the common and exclusive fiscal powers, clarify the proportion of expenditure responsibilities, and optimize the financial matching mechanism; enhance standardization and elevate the level of rule of law in the gradual reform.

Key words: financial system of science and technology, financial authority, financial expenditure responsibility, construction of a technical power, common financial authority

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